about luke & harmony

Luke and Harmony met around 2005 whilst going about their lives in the Mackay region. They met as keen volunteers for the Wintermoon Music Festival and then again as volunteers for the Mackay Community Gardens.
Luke Mathews worked with Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton from 1998 to the early naughties as a team member whose objectives were to establish the Permaculture Research Institute. The Permaculture Research Institute is now up and going very well in Northern NSW, directed by Geoff Lawton. After his experience at the research institute and a break from intensive learning, he arrive in Mackay around 2004 where he and a few friends ventured into establishing the Mackay Community Gardens as a not for profit incorporated association where he has dedicated much of his energy for the past ten years and assists with the coordination of the Mackay Community Garden Inc. and its site in West Mackay. Luke has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share and is a gifted teacher and designer of permaculture concepts.
Harmony has had 30 years experience as a yoga instructor and still loves to do her yoga in the peaceful setting of our garden in the mornings. She has been actively practicing natural rearing with both animals and children for most of her life and hence forth, has an abundant understanding and love for herbs, natural therapies and medicines. Harmony has also been a keen volunteer for the Mackay Community Gardens for over ten years and she also holds a great understanding of the 'Rainbow Family of Living Light' that teaches us how to live the most in our modern, hectic world.
Both Luke and Harmony love to share their knowledge and skills, and combined, have a wonderful holistic approach to their lives and their endevours.
Harmony and Luke come together at Yarrabah